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About the Book

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What, you got a check in the mail for a thousand dollars?

You're pregnant after twelve years?

I just spoke with him twenty minutes ago, he can't be dead!


That's life for you, it can certainly change in an instant. Yes, it will change...suddenly.


Life is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and we never know what's around the bend. This book will tell you my story of a dramatic twist in my life that caught me by surprise. It changed my life forever, and made me ponder my purpose. The light at the end of my seemingly dark tunnel was not an oncoming train, but the light of God.


Yes, I do believe that God will make all things work together for our good, if we only believe.

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Michelle James, Gift Designer

This book is a must-read for anyone who is living and breathing on this planet today! Its subject matter is of great significance as it reminds us just how transitory and fleeting this life really is. It reminds us that we should not live life without purpose or take each gifted day from God for granted.


The author delves into scripture and makes several poignant references regarding the brevity of life and God's design for us as it should be lived.


Though minimal in volume, this publication packs a punch with profound words that will provoke readers to undergo inner reflection in order to express an outer transformation. It will hopefully make its readers more aware of what truly matters most.

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